St. David the King Pilgrimage
$1,000 deposit due on or before Friday, February 28, 2025. For additional information and to register, visit the wetravel.com website.

Pizza & Ice Cream Social
All students in Grades 8-12 welcome! February 16, 5 – 6:45 p.m. Frassati Youth Hall. Bring a friend. Email Karen Craven with any questions, kcraven@stdavidtheking.com.

Young Adult – Top Golf Outing
Join Fr. Jason for a Young Adult (ages 18-39) night out at Top Golf on Friday, February 28 at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $20 per […]

At St. David the King Parish, we are a community of faith united by the love of Christ and grounded in the celebration of the sacraments. Our mission is to welcome all with open hearts and hands, offering a spirit of hospitality that invites everyone to experience the transforming grace of God. Through our shared participation in the sacraments—especially the Eucharist—we grow in faith, deepening our relationship with God and one another.
— Parish Mission Statement