Parish Picnic
Mark your calendar for the Parish Picnic! Sunday, September 29, 12-5, rain or shine. The picnic follow’s Fr. Jason’s Installation Mass which takes place at […]
Fr. Jason’s Installation Mass
Save the Date! Fr. Jason’s Installation Mass will be Sunday, September 29 at 10:30 a.m. The Parish Picnic will take place immediately following. If you […]
Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
On October 2, the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels, we will remember the souls of those infants who were stillborn or lost through miscarriage […]
We are formed by Faith, live in Hope, and serve with Love.
Inspired by the joy of the gospel, our mission is to provide liturgies that are joyful and transformational; faith formation that supports all generations; hospitality that welcomes everyone; generous service that brings the presence of Christ to others.
— Parish Mission Statement