What is spiritual direction?
Spiritual direction is simply conversation with another person about what you experience in your attempts to pray, and about the relationship you have or would like to have with God. It is not counseling, or instruction. It does not assume any particular “knowledge” or experience. It is for anyone who is trying to pay more attention to God’s presence.
People in spiritual direction usually meet for about an hour once a month one-on-one with a director, for as long as they find it helpful. In these conversations, individuals have a chance to reflect on memories and experiences of God’s presence, talk about their attempts at prayer and reflection, and discern where and why God is calling them next.
We have several highly experienced spiritual directors in the parish, including Nanci Bachman (nbachman@stdavidtheking.com), Deacon Tom Baker (deacontombaker@gmail.com), and Anne Ryan (maryan44@aol.com). Any of them would be happy to talk with you informally about whether spiritual direction might be right for you, and to answer your questions about how they go about it. There is never any obligation to continue on after this initial discussion.