The St. David the King Columbiettes became established as an auxiliary on October 17, 2010. On that day we joined a group of Catholic women who pledged to emulate our patronesses: The Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Therese the Little Flower, and St. Joan of Arc. These examples of womanhood have served as a guidepost for our organization and in our daily lives. When we think about the lessons these strong women have bestowed on us, it is clear they are teaching us to come together in faith and love.
It is our honor to support our church, charities that help women, children and veterans, and help with Catholic causes. We have donated our time and funds to: Visitation Home, Womanspace, Good Counsel Home, Homefront, Wounded Warriors, Sole Hope, K9 Companions, vocation donations, and many more local and national charities. Every day we strive to help in small ways because we know that sometimes a smile or a kind word is what someone needs.
The Columbiettes were started in 1939 by Msgr. (later Cardinal) Francis McIntyre, who conceived the idea of a women’s organization to work with the Knights of Columbus. The Knights enlisted the aid of the Honorable Mary J. Mangan, an attorney who was the second woman to sit as a judge on the New York State Supreme Court. Judge Mangan was the first president of the Supreme Council Columbiettes. Following the example of our founders, we dedicate ourselves to do God’s work on earth promoting unity, Christ’s love for us, and zeal to serve God through faith, hope and charity.
If you have an interest in finding out more about our work and perhaps joining our group, please contact Andrea Meyers at ammeyers14@gmail.com.