Liturgical Ministries

Are you interested in becoming a liturgical minister?

At St. David the King, there are many opportunities for parishioners to get involved in the Mass and beyond. Discerning a call to serve as a liturgical minister is an important decision that requires prayer, reflection, and openness to God’s invitation to serve His Church.

Serving as a liturgical minister is a powerful way to respond to God’s call, deepen your faith, and contribute to the life of the Church. It is both a privilege and a responsibility to participate in the sacred liturgy, and an opportunity to live out your faith in a tangible and impactful way.


Available ministries include:

  • Altar Servers – Contact Karen Craven,

Altar Servers assist the priest during Mass by performing various tasks such as holding the book for the priest, carrying the processional cross, lighting candles, and preparing the altar for the Eucharist. They support the flow of the liturgy with reverence and care.

  • Eucharistic Ministers – Contact Terri Ingham,

Eucharistic Ministers (also known as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion) assist the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass. They play an important role in ensuring that all who wish to receive communion are able to do so reverently and efficiently. Read More…

  • Lazarus Ministers – Contact Fr. Jason,

The Lazarus Ministry provides compassionate support for families during times of loss. Volunteers assist with funeral planning, help set up for funeral liturgies, and offer emotional and spiritual support to those grieving the death of a loved one. Read More…

  • Lectors – Contact Fr. Jason,

Lectors proclaim the Word of God during Mass, reading the Scriptures (except for the Gospel) with clarity and reverence. Their role is to bring the Scriptures to life for the congregation, helping them to hear God’s message in the liturgy. Read More…

  • Linen Ministry – Contact Fr. Jason,

The Linen Ministry is responsible for the washing, ironing, and care of the altar linens (such as the purificators, corporals, and altar cloths). This ministry ensures that the sacred linens used in the liturgy are clean and properly prepared for use in the celebration of the Mass. Read More…

  • Ministry to the Homebound – Contact Nanci Bachman,

This ministry ensures that those unable to attend Mass due to illness, age, or other reasons can still receive the Eucharist. Volunteers bring communion to the sick and homebound, offering them spiritual connection with the parish community.

  • Sacristan – Contact Fr. Jason,

A Sacristan is responsible for the care and preparation of the altar and sacred vessels before, during, and after Mass. They ensure everything is in place, including vestments, candles, linens, and liturgical books, so the liturgy runs smoothly. Read More…

  • Ushers – Contact Ron Russell,

Ushers welcome parishioners to Mass, guide them to their seats, assist with the collection of offerings, and help maintain a reverent and orderly atmosphere. They also assist in distributing bulletins and ensuring the safety and comfort of the congregation. Read More…

If you are interested in serving in a Liturgical Ministry, please contact the ministry representative listed above to ask any questions and complete the necessary training. Once your training is complete, we invite you to enroll yourself in the scheduling program by clicking on the Ministry Scheduler Pro icon below. This will ensure you are included in upcoming liturgy schedules. Thank you for your dedication to this important service!

Ministry Scheduler Pro Scheduling Software - Click to enroll

  • Altar Server Training October 2023