Parish Book Club Conversations: Great American Prophets

On Tuesday evenings in April and May, we’ll have a parish book club focused on Daniel Cosacchi’s Great American Prophets: Pope Francis’s Models of Christian Life. Dr. Cosacchi is VP of Mission and Ministry at the University of Scranton, and was our Lenten Mission speaker in March.

Deacon Tom Baker will be the conversation leader. The meetings are scheduled for April 16, 23, 30 and May 7 and 14 at 7:00 PM, and they will last one hour. We will meet in person in the Spiritual Reading Room. Registration is limited to 14 people; if there is interest, we’ll form a second group at another time.

Participants will be asked to purchase the book in advance (St. David the King still has a few extra copies!) of the first meeting and read the introduction and Chapter One.

For questions, please reach out to

Click here to register on Flocknote!