At St. David the King, we are called to actively live out our faith through the Corporal Works of Mercy, which are essential to our discipleship. As Jesus teaches us in Matthew 25:40, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” By serving those in need, we encounter Christ in the face of others, fulfilling His command to love and serve.
With the generous support of our parishioners, the Social Concerns Committee is able to assist those in need within our community, embodying the guiding principles of Faith, Hope, and Charity. This ministry not only aids those who are struggling, but also allows our parish family to live out these values in meaningful, tangible ways.
We are deeply grateful for the time, talent, and resources that St. David the King parishioners contribute. Your commitment enables us to serve with compassion, bringing Christ’s love to those who need it most.
Your generosity makes is possible to serve those in need through the following ministries:
Children’s Book Drive Ministry:
Collection and donation of gently used or new children’s books donated to children in need.
Jelly Bean Ministry:
Bags of jelly beans in colors representing Christ’s suffering and Resurrection are given to SDTK families each Easter.
Brown Bag Lunch Ministry:
Nutritious brown bag lunches are made by parishioners and donated to Mercer County Catholic Charities.
Back to School Ministry:
Donated back packs and school supplies are donated to Trenton CYO.
St. Martin de Porres Food Pantry Ministry:
Non-perishable food items are collected and donated to RISE Food Pantry in Highstown.
CYO East State St. Center, Trenton:
Volunteers provide enrichment activities for grades K-6 as well as reading help for grades 1-3 in summer camp and after-school programs.
The Christmas Giving Tree Ministry:
Gifts are given to families in need referred by local schools and social service organizations.
Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday Meal Gift Card Ministry:
Grocery store gift cards are given for a holiday dinner to local families in need.
Friends in Need Ministry:
Provide support, assistance to parishioners in need.
Trenton Area Soup Kitchen Ministry:
Volunteers prepare and serve lunches on the first Friday of each month at TASK in Trenton.