Upcoming Activities

Interested in Becoming a Catholic?

Have you ever thought about joining our church? Do you have a friend or relative who might like to explore this? We would like to have a conversation with you!

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the doorway through which adults seek initiation into the Catholic Church through baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist. The RCIA involves a process of study and conversation, regular involvement in parish worship, and developing fruitful relationships with other Catholics who can serve as mentors.

Generally, the sacraments of initiation for adults are celebrated each spring at the Easter Vigil (the night before Easter Sunday). However, there are unique situations when they can be observed at other times. We welcome people with a wide variety of backgrounds and levels of preparation.

Please feel free to share this with others you know who might be considering joining our church.

Please get in touch with Nanci Bachman at 609-275-7111 ext. 311 or nbachman@stdavidtheking.com to start the conversation. Fall activities begin in early October. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

An Invitation to Serve at the Altar

From our youth minister and liturgical ministries coordinator Matthew Simms:

I began altar serving in eighth grade and continued to volunteer throughout high school. I served at my parish and high school around three to four times a week. Although altar serving plays a vital role in preparing the Mass and help it run smoothly, it does not end there. For me, altar serving elicited a curiosity about the faith. Suddenly, I became more concerned about my spirituality because of my position.

For many young people, the period of leaving the church and becoming a non-practicing Catholic is around the middle and high school years. It is because of altar serving that I remained a practicing Catholic and was able to root myself in my faith during the period when faith is challenged most. Although I was inundated with homework, competing as a student athlete, as well as involved in numerous clubs and organizations, once I started to serve at daily and Sunday Masses, it became easier to go in the future. It is beneficial being close to the Lord during Mass on weekdays and not just Sundays, receiving extra grace from the Liturgy to continue steadfast throughout the week.

Serving kept me oriented and focused on better improving my spirituality. I invite all the young people to come serve at the Lord’s altar. The Sunday 4:00 pm Family Youth Masses are a perfect opportunity to get involved. You will see your faith flourish the closer you are to the altar, to Jesus.

“The closer you are to the altar, the more you will remember to speak with Jesus in daily prayer; the more you will be nourished by the word and the body of the Lord, the better able you will be to go out to others, bringing them the gift that you have received, giving in turn with enthusiasm the joy you have received.” – Pope Francis

To get involved or request more information, please contact Matthew Simms at msimms@stdavidtheking.com.